700+ Orders in 60 Days: My DFA Student’s Journey to Etsy Success

etsy for beginners Jul 08, 2024

On the evening of September 22nd, my student launched her Etsy shop. By the next morning, she had already made her first sale, which she did not expect at all! Initially, she thought it was someone from her family or friends, but when she checked the name, it was a complete stranger!

In this blog post, I speak with one of my former students who shared her amazing results with her Etsy shop in a short amount of time. She explains how she launched her shop and got her first sale the next day, how to find a niche that works for your specific skill sets, and the most crucial advice that helped her succeed on Etsy.

Enjoy the insights from our interview!

Background Story and Inspiration

Brandon: Can you start by sharing your background story and what inspired you to start selling on Etsy in the first place?

Jessica: My Etsy journey started when I moved to London for my studies. I wanted a side hustle to make some extra money, so I started searching for different side hustles and came across Etsy. I watched YouTube videos about Etsy, including your channel. I decided between digital downloads and physical products, and chose digital downloads for passive income alongside my studies. I started with Christmas digital downloads but didn’t make any sales. After Christmas, I pivoted to mental health printables but still struggled with sales. Then I saw one of your videos about your course, signed up, and after our chat, I started seeing success.

The Program Experience

Brandon: You had some prior experience with Etsy. What was the process like when you joined the program?

Jessica: Honestly, I had no initial plan. I just thought Christmas would be a good time to sell, but my first shop failed. Joining your program gave me a structured approach, and your support and guidance helped me succeed this time.

Initial Expectations and Success

Brandon: What were your initial expectations when you joined the program?

Jessica: I didn’t have any specific expectations. I knew you were successful and hoped to be successful too with your support. It worked out well.

Brandon: Could you share a bit about your current success?

Student: I opened my shop and currently have 700 sales. In less than two months, I'm making around $100 a day on average. My first organic sale came the morning after I launched on September 22nd. It was a surprising and satisfying experience.

The First Sale Experience

Brandon: How did it feel to get your first sale?

Jessica: It was surreal. At first, I thought it was someone I knew, but when I saw the name, it was a stranger. It was a great feeling, to realize that if I could make one sale, I could make more.

Importance of Market Research

Brandon: Did market research give you more confidence?

Jessica: Definitely. Researching competitors and finding a unique angle for my products helped me a lot. I added something my competitors weren’t providing, which gave me an edge.

Advice for New Etsy Sellers

Brandon: What advice do you have for new Etsy sellers?

Jessica: A strong foundation comes from good niche research. My initial shop failed because I didn’t do proper research. This time, I spent two and a half weeks researching, checking what others were selling, and finding a niche I enjoyed. I also analyzed competitors’ products and best sellers, which was crucial.

Sales Performance and Daily Routine

Brandon: How many sales do you get on average per day?

Jessica: It varies. On average, between 10 to 15 sales a day. Some days are higher, and some are lower, depending on the day.

Brandon: Do you use the sales notification sound?

Jessica: Yes, I love it. It's satisfying, and now my friends and family recognize the sound and share the excitement.

Tips and Tricks for Etsy Success

Brandon: What tips and tricks do you have for new sellers?

Jessica: Follow all the tips and tricks you’ve provided. Niche research, early sales strategy, good customer service, and thorough keyword research were key for me.


I hope you gain insight from this interview. You can also watch it here.

If you're eager to turn your creativity into profit, check out my Digital Freedom Academy. It's a step-by-step guide to mastering Etsy with digital products.

Click the link in the description to join the community and start your Etsy seller journey.

Cheers to success!

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